Elisa Talentino | Dandelion

November 23 – 29 | Miro Art Gallery
Opening on November 23rd,  8:30 pm

An ancient dance, a courtship ritual. A dandelion flower to blow your wishes.
The bourée is a double time dance that has a lot of sentimental and loving meanings, a pretty theatrical transposition of dynamics of seduction. The dancers get close, reaching towards each other, then they turn away, avoiding and searching for each other, never actually touching each other.
The dandelion is the spring’s oracle. They say lovers used to confide their wishes to this flower and blow them away to make them come true. The soundtrack is composed by Julia Kent and it is a contemporary bourée with a traditional structure.
At the exhibition you can watch the short film and find a series of frames and of working sketches.

Produced by Fondazione Dravelli and Airelles Vidéo. The work is realized as part of Borderscapes, a project co-financed by European Union in the framework of Programma Interreg V-A Francia-Italia Alcotra 2014-2020.

For further information.