Tuono Pettinato | YAMBO! on display

November 23rd – January 6th | ZOO
Opening on November 23, 6PM

As both game and encyclopaedia, Yambo! intends to occupy a place in bookshops for comic lovers and to interest collectors of polished editions. Yambo! is illustrated by Tuono Pettinato, mastermind of Italian comics. Laura Anastasio had the task of fashioning and promoting Yambo!, going beyond the comics world and getting directly to the readers and collectors of crazy editions. There will be three card decks provided, the first one, Vroom; the second and the third ones will give an overall picture of the most important cartoonists (this deck has still no name) and of the young guns (this deck is called Kaboom!). The tris will compose the first part of the encyclopaedia, the Italian one, and then will come up with the mangaka, the strip authors, and so on until giving a synthetic but exhaustive overview of what it is, has been and will be the international comics scene.
Yambo! is the first card game illustrated by Tuono Pettinato. Yambo! is a memory game, an encyclopaedia of the comics and a collector’s item for all those who want to know the national and international comics. The first card deck of Yambo! is called Vroom! and will be in September 2017 out. In this deck you will find 20 + 20 Autore cards to play the classic memory game: mix the deck and lay on the playfield the 40 cards close and then find in turn the matches. If you want to make your life more complicated you can play with 20 Autore cards and 20 Oggetto cards and if you want to ruin it definitely you can try with the triple version: 20 + 20 Autore cards and 20 Oggetto cards on the playfield to find, to find again and to spot! Then discover, thanks to the package insert from Fumettologica, who are the reported artists that you should know if you declare yourself a connoisseur of graphic novels and illustrations.