Paolo Rinaldi | Stati d'animo
23 – 30 November | Fantomars – Atelier Carmen Avilia
Opening on November 23rd, 6PM
on Beniamino Sidoti’s texts
What if emotions were territories to cross? What if feelings were nations?
Beniamino Sidoti wrote 25 short stories (Stati d’animo, published by Rrose Sélavy, 2017) and Paolo Rinaldi built as many digital collages, using images coming from the archives of New York Public Library and MET – Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York.
Feelings and emotions transformed in refined surrealist and modern images, between steep mountains and unusual populations, silent dances and rivers: because narration, with words and images, truly allows to go through emotions, to live them, to picture them.
Gli Stati d’animo (The States of mind):
Silence, Imagination, Anger, Purification, Passion, Solitude, Envy, Generosity, Desire, Hardness, Growth, End, Lack, Untruth, Reborn, Hope, Dissipation, Melancholy, Mistake, Need, Nourishment, Freedom, Play, Fear, Happiness.
Beniamino Sidoti and Paolo Rinaldi will attend the inauguration. During the vernissage, conversations and readings, construction of new paths of imagination.
Beniamino Sidoti (Firenze, 1970) works inbetween game and narrative as an author, consultant and journalist. He has written and published around 50 books and he was one of the founders of Lucca Games.
Paolo Rinaldi (Macerata, 1983). Graduated at Centro sperimentale design of Ancona, he is a graphic designer and freelance publicist. He is also Rrose Sélavy’s publishing editor.