Chiara Dal Maso | Everyday distraction

November 18 – 28 | Lavì! City
Opening November 23 h 6:00 pm

A drawing a day to tell what it is going on every day. Chiara Dal Maso started the Everyday Distraction project on the January 1st 2017 and she has come at the end of the trail: her purpose was to draw every day for 365 days and then to spread and post the works on social medias. Her illustrations are born and are still bound to material supports, such as paper, cardboard, notebooks. They show all the imperfections of a spontaneous and improvised drawing style and are linked to a sort of a liberating self-exploration. She uses bright colours, a wise infantile stroke, felt-tip pens on paper and on acrylic, so that they can overlap still maintaining the brightness of the tones. She records shopping moments, daily work scenes, love, sex, holidays. Chiara’s images are living and vital, bright as the colours she uses. The surreality turns up in any moment transforming the world before our very eyes, or rather, overturning Chiara’s interior and imaginary world on paper.

Chiara Dal Maso is born in Thiene (VI) in 1989. She attended the Institute of art in Nove and afterwards the Italian Design School in Padua. After her studies she undertook some work experiences in Canada, Denmark and Sweden and then she moved to Milan, where she lives and works as an illustrator and graphic designer. She loves creating images and experimenting with several illustration techniques. In 2006 she set up SuperUltraBlu  to experiemnt on videos and motion design.
In 2017 she starts the Everyday Distraction project and, together with some friends, who are designers, gives birth to the Collective Drinchendrò, within which she organizes, mainly in Milan, workshops and events with the subject of illustration. She has co-worked with Mi Ami Festival, AMA Music Festival, PELO Magazine and Moodboard Magazine.