Giampaolo Parrilla, VinGenzo Beccia | L'Eredità di Babele

november 21st – dicember 8th  |  Moustache
inauguration with live drawing performance wednesday november 21st h 9 p.m

Exhibition of original drawings taken from L’Eredità di Babele (Il Girovago – Nuova S1): a wordless novel on the History of the societies of men. Two authors and two different styles for a four-handed work. Beccia and Parrilla alternate between frame and story, in an allegorical tale of events following the collapse of the iconic tower up to a dystopian future, not so dissimilar from our present. L’eredità di Babele was born simultaneously with the homonymous show of the Compagnia Teatro dell’Argine. The performance, during which the author Parrilla draws on stage along with 50 actors from all over the world, is the final outcome of the Intercultural Workshop Esodi.