Martina Tonello


Case non a casoNovember 25th h 11 a.m | Biblioteca Salaborsa Ragazzi

with Martina Tonello

Our house is our nest, our shelter from the outside world. It is our headquarter, where we keep objects and memories. There are so many different houses, each with its own features, determined by its surroundings as well as its inhabitants. During this workshop, after reading the book “Houses in the World” by Martina Tonello, children will become skilled architects, ready to build their house even in the most challenging of places!


age: 8 – 10 anni

info and registration:


Martina Tonello è un’illustratrice. Vive a Bologna dove passa il tempo a scrivere e illustrare storie, e ideare e condurre laboratori per bambini.
Lavora nel campo dell’editoria, ma anche per case editrici, agenzie di pubblicità, festival, associazioni di volontariato. Fa parte del collettivo Blanca, nato a Bologna nel 2014.
Il suo ultimo libro per bambini è Case nel mondo (Electa, 2018).