Christopher Hittinger is a young French-American cartoonist who asserted himself to a large audience thanks to the “James Town” graphic novel (The Hoochie Coochie, 2008). In this work Hittinger describes the adventures of John Smith and his companions, discovering American lands. Two works preceeded “Jamestown”: “Les Dèserteurs” and “Augusta Feria”, edited by Hoochie Coochie between 2004 and 2006. Hittinger has a fresh and concise line, that leads the narration to a mythical dimension, even without moving from the reality of facts and from History. The exhibition is taking place at the RAM Hotel gallery and it is showing a selection of “Jamestown” tables and some black and white illustrations linked to a project on “giants”, realized with a strong volumetric style. In the exhibition there are also going to be other unpublished materials specifically made for Bilbolbul festival.